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Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6:00 PM PDT

× Free Community Organized Event - Presented by the Greater Vancouver Kriya Yoga Centre

Body—Mind Wellness: BMW Tune-Up

On his first-time visit to Greater Vancouver Paramahamsa Prajnanananda Giri, the current living guru of the ancient lineage of Kriya Yoga spiritual masters, will share his love, compassion and infinite wisdom on yoga and the connection between healthy bodies and minds.

Kriya Yoga is a simple, yet extraordinarily powerful meditation technique that emphasizes the relationship between breath and the mind. It offers a quick path to reach higher states of consciousness and change one’s life by developing mind, body, intellect, and awareness of the soul.

Kriya Yoga’s power lies in its ancient lineage of masters, timeless teachings, and intense focus on practical spirituality, which has been practiced by saints, seers, and sages from time immemorial.

This unique cross-cultural event is part of a North American tour in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Kriya Yoga spiritual master Paramahamsa Hariharananda’s arrival in the Americas from India to spread the practice of Kriya Yoga.

For further information, visit


Studio Theatre at Surrey Arts Centre
13750 - 88 - Avenue
Surrey BC V3W 3L1

× We're sorry, the performance of BODY-MIND WELLNESS: BMW TUNE-UP on Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6:00 PM PDT has just sold out or the event is no longer available for sale via the internet if the curtain time is nearing.
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(604) 501-5566
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